How To Manage Great Online Communities With Shana Bresnahan!

shana bresnahan Jun 10, 2021

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Today’s guest on the Shane Sams Show is Shana Bresnahan - a preeminent strategist for membership owners and she leads some of the biggest membership communities and Facebook Groups online!

When you’re trying to be a business owner, be a community leader, you’re trying to be a thought leader, trying to build an audience, and trying to build a community about the things that you want to do - you are taking on an amazing responsibility. The internet makes it possible to lead hundreds, evens thousands of people online and effective community management is going to make it critical for all of your success (and to keep your stress levels low)!


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to lead your communities more effectively
  • How we can mobilize the culture of our communities to help us accomplish our mission
  • How we can have better communication and connection with our memberships
  • Tactical strategies for starting,...
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