Jody Moore of the Better Than Happy Podcast Talks Membership Site Communities

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Jody Moore is a great example of how you really can change your life and others, through the membership model. The membership model allows more people access to Jody's life coaching, and allows her to help more people at the same time. More than 4,000 members, if we're getting technical. But, those members don't even know that she has that big of a following, because her membership, like ours, allows her the ability and freedom to devote her attention where she is needed most.


What You'll Learn:

  1. Why you don't have to have a big launch. (5:10)
  2. How to reach thousands of people. (9:35)
  3. How your membership site can evolve as you do. (11:35)
  4. How to deal with feeling the weight of leading your members. (14:40)
  5. How to define your own success. (18:00)
  6. You have to get A done before you can get B. (21:40)
  7. There is no cap to your potential. (25:35)
  8. What your sewing seasons and reaping seasons are. (34:42)
  9. How to grow your community. (37:10)
  10. ...
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