How To Overcome Adversity w/ Aaron Walker!

Today’s guest on The Shane Sams Show is View From the Top’s Aaron Walker!

For over 42 years, Aaron has been a small business owner, devoted husband, and community leader. He incorporates education and learning opportunities into his daily routine, remaining informed of the latest tools and trends available, which he shares with the men in his Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Group.

Aaron is a connector of people and has invaluable input on relationships and adversity. That’s what this episode is all about: overcoming adversity in your personal life and building incredible relationships in your life!

We talk about conflict and how to resolve it, how to be a giver and not a taker, and how each person needs their purpose statement, mission, and core values to make relationships work.

I know you’re going to love this episode!

To check out Aaron Walker’s first appearance on The Shane Sams Show, click here!

Discussed in this episode:

  • How to overcome adversity in your personal life
  • 7 strategies to build incredible relationships
  • Prioritize your priorities
  • People are afraid of being rejected
  • Vulnerability is endearing

If you need help starting, building, and growing an online business, check out all of the support and resources for entrepreneurs at and

Follow Shane on twitter @shane_sams.


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